I'm not afraid anymore!!!

I'm not afraid anymore!!!

I'm sure you've watched your fair share of scary movies. Where you spent most of the movie hiding your face and squinting your eyes with anticipation from the next jump scare. Imagine walking around hiding your face and squinting your eyes but there's no movie; this is how you're living your life. Forget the things that are going bump in the night, all you can feel are the things that are tugging at your mind, your stomach and emotions.

I'm talking about the fear that's brought on by the uncertainty of the things you can't control and the inward anxiety of the things you're afraid of getting wrong. For most of my life I've lived with an underlying fear that I couldn't ever properly place. I couldn't find just one source to attribute it to. That's because the enemy's goal is to make you afraid of anything and everything.

Come closer....let me tell you something. FEAR is not your friend, not your homeboy or homegirl, doesn't belong in the passenger seat, the backseat, the trunk or your pocket. Fear is a spirit and the sooner you realize that you will understand that you have been given power over it. The bible says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

The spirit of fear comes to disrupt and cause you to doubt the Power given to you by the spirit of the Lord, to have you question God's perfect love for you and cause confusion in your mind.

Let me reassure you that you have POWER, God's perfect LOVE towards you and a sound MIND. This is a revelation that you have to receive, believe and act on in Faith.

Fulfilling God's purpose for your life can't be accomplished in fear. If you find yourself struggling to step out and walk in faith I want to encourage you to go before the Lord in prayer. Here are a couple resources below that can also help reaffirm the power that has been so graciously given to you.

"So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free." John 8:36 AMP


Additional Resources:

The Bible

Joyce Meyer - Battlefield of the Mind

Lysa Terkeurst - What happens when women say yes to God



Sincerely His,

Tiesha Andrews

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