Worry Much...

Worry Much...

Do you ever have those days where you find yourself worrying about things completely out of your control? It's like your mind just goes from one thing to worry about to the next. It's a vicious cycle until you put a stop to it, and break the chain.

I had to do that today. I found myself worrying about a situation before I even had all of the information. Why do we put ourselves through that mental torment? I had to remind myself quickly and often throughout the day that I'm not built to carry worry and anxiety. That's not how God created me. Ask me how I know this... The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:7 AMP, "...casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]." This scripture reminds me that my mind and body aren't created to carry anxiety, worry or concerns of this world. Knowing that and making a decision to truly cast it on Him is two different things. I say that because if I really believed that God wanted me to cast it and not think about it and try to figure it out I would have cast it the moment the worry, doubt and anxiety hit me. But I didn't I thought about the situation, tried to make sense of it and even tried to think of ways to solve it. Can you guess how much time I wasted today running around in my own mind? Too much!!

I want to caution you about getting trapped in worry and anxiety. The enemy would love for you to get caught up in yourself, taking your eyes off of God. Each and everyday you and I will have to make a decision to cast our cares on Jesus it doesn't matter the magnitude. There is no care that is too little or too big...He wants it ALL.

I made a decision to give it to Him and I hope that you will too!!!


Sincerely His,

Tiesha Andrews


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